Meeting #:
Council Chambers
262075 Rocky View Point
Rocky View County, AB T4A 0X2

The following public hearings were advertised on August 13, 2024 and August 20, 2024 on the Rocky View County website in accordance with the Municipal Government Act and Public Notification Bylaw C-7860-2019.

RVC2024-26 - Canada Public Transit Fund Update


THAT Council move into closed session to consider the confidential item “Canada Public Transit Fund Update” pursuant to the following sections of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act:

Section 21 - Disclosure harmful to intergovernmental relations

Section 24 - Advice from officials 

Note: supporting materials for this item were confidentially distributed to Council prior to the closed session under separate cover

RVC2024-27 - Old Banff Coach Road Land Disposal 


THAT Council move into closed session to consider the confidential item “Old Banff Coach Road Land Disposal” pursuant to the following sections of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act:

Section 24 - Advice from Officials

Section 25 - Disclosure harmful to economic and other interests of a public body

Note: supporting materials for this item were confidentially distributed to Council prior to the closed session under separate cover

File: N/A

Note: the Public Presentation Committee at its July 17, 2024 meeting made the following recommendation to Council:

MOVED by Councillor Hanson that the Public Presentation Committee recommends to Council that Administration be directed to explore the potential for a garbage bylaw as discussed during the Bragg Creek Wild Presentation at the July 17, 2024 Public Presentation Committee Meeting.


File: N/A

Note: the Public Presentation Committee at its July 17, 2024 meeting made the following recommendation to Council:

MOVED by Councillor Boehlke the Public Presentation Committee recommends to Council that Administration be directed to supply a letter to Mr. Rick Skauge that  states Rocky View County has no objections, in principle, to the Bearspaw Marina Proposal of a watercraft rental facility on the Bearspaw Reservoir, as presented at the July 17, 2024 Public Presentation Committee meeting.


No Item Selected